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Currently looking for Summer Internships 2024


I'm Vaishnava and I do UX.

I'm a designer and storyteller focused on creating experiences that leave an impact and generate revenue!



MacBook Pro 16_ - 22.png

Sensor Based Preventive Maintenance System.

A client project over a span of 8 weeks where we delivered an idea to increase revenue.

  • Discussed TAM, Business Model, Wizard of OZ

DALL·E 2023-11-18 08.20_edited.jpg

A usability study on the Domino's Application

An academic project covering how users feel about the Domino's website when using coupons.

Volunteers Packing Food

Inventory tracking application for local pantries

An academic project where I understand the difference between user's wants and user's needs.

  • Discusses prototyping, interviews, analysis



I am Sri Vaishnava Santosh Samudrala, a passionate graduate student in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at Indiana University Indianapolis. With a solid background in Electronics and Communication Engineering, I've ventured into the world of HCI to explore the captivating realm of technology and user experience. 


During my undergraduate years, my role as President of the Photography and Cinematography club ignited my love for visual storytelling. This experience allowed me to delve into filmmaking, where I produced short films and educational content. This creative journey sparked my understanding of the artistry behind the lens and the intricacies of crafting compelling narratives. 

Steve Jobs' words, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life... And the only way to do great work is to love what you do," resonate profoundly with me. As I navigate the convergence of technology and creativity, I aspire to shape experiences that resonate deeply with users, fusing the worlds of HCI and visual storytelling. 


Currently at

Indianapolis, Indiana



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